Our Patrons

Prayer to Saints Louis and Zélie Martin

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God of eternal love, you give us Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, the parents of St. Thérèse, as an example of holiness in marriage.

They remained faithful to you and your commandments in all the duties and trials of life.

They desired to raise their children to become saints.

May their prayers and example help Christian couples to blossom in their vocation to family life as they carry out their mission to evangelize their children and other families.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

As the exemplars of holy family life, we have designated Louis and Zélie Martin as the patron Saints of the Calling Couples to Christ Apostolate. Pray for us, Louis and Zélie that we may be a channel of encouragement and hope to families as they strive to live their vocation to marriage and family life well.